Tag Archives: diligence


9 Aug

Dear Readers,


As chaos swirls in my house here I sit in my favorite coffee shop, surrounded my familiar faces and gestures of kindness. My hair wet from a shower, twisted and clipped to the top of my head. Sipping on the most delicious de-caf coffee while music by Train playing in the background at 4 in the afternoon. I have the perfect mix of feelings, physically exhausted and happy about my day.


Sadly though I had to say good-by to Emma early this morning (please see yesterday’s post). She missed the cut by one stroke. Selfishly I wish she was still in the hunt but I know and I am convinced there will be no stopping her in the future. She is success bound and I am thrilled our paths crossed, life was made a little sweeter! Another meaningful consequence!


Today was my first day to volunteer at the Women’s Amateur Golf Tournament. I am one of the many volunteers. I must confess I sometimes forget how old I am and I sign-up or volunteer or register for many activities that may be more “be-fitting” for someone younger but today I was thrilled of my stupidity mistake! I was a Standard Bearer for two phenomenal golfers.


Emily Childs from Alameda California graduated from University of California 2012  


Jayvie Agojo, from Los Banos Laguna, Philippines, graduated from Pepperdine College 2009


Let me explain to those who do not know what a Standard- Bearer is or their responsibilities. I was the one today following Childs and Agojo around the golf course with a huge metal sign strapped to my body displaying their names and scores for today’s Match Play (updating scores for each hole) for the spectators’ benefit.


I had a white strap that hung around my neck and right shoulder.  At the bottom of the strap was a piece to secure the end of the metal pole for the sign to fit securely in. If I had to guess the height of the sign from top to bottom it would be about five feet three inches and when all is said and done (secured in) it hung from about the top of my thighs to a great towering height over me.  So for today I stood at least six plus feet with my sign towering over me as I followed two incredible young females around a golf course for 18 holes with the added benefit of witnessing magnificent golf and having loads and loads of fun, it was a blast!


I know I am beginning to sound like a never ending beating drum but the girls today was just amazing! Never short of talent, graciousness, diligence, maturity, or kindness. From my position (up close and personal) I saw a visible display of good sportsmanship and hard work from both Childs and Agojo.


At times I would seek coverage from the hot sun, Agojo would put up her umbrella to get some relief but Childs stood cool and strong definitely a beauty of grace under fire with a smile and always a kind word of encouragement for me.


The girls shook my hand and thanked me for volunteering. Emily Childs was most gracious and appreciative for all and every volunteer that crossed her path. She went out of her way to introduce her self in the very beginning and thanked me as well as other volunteers for our help. Childs is the real deal, she plays for the love of the game and it is perfectly clear to everyone and anyone that has a minute to see her on or off the golf course.


I had the opportunity to meet Emily’s mother and younger sister (her younger sister is a golfer but was cut from yesterday’s elimination round). Trust me on this one you do not have to look very far to see how and why Emily and Carly Childs are such great athletes, displayed great sportsmanship and are true winners, the world is at their fingertips!


Asklotta and staff will MIND YOUR BUSINESS today with a smile on my face and facing another day of volunteering with strength and determination to strap on my sign with honor for another round of exceptional golf played by exceptional women!


Again, it has been my pleasure to tell you what to do and what NOT to do!


Kindest regards,




President and CEO


